Freemantle Community Centre
Randolph Street, Shirley, Southampton, SO15 3HE
Built on the site of old strawberry fields, Freemantle and Shirley Community Centre is located just off Shirley Road, Southampton.
As well as hosting lots of regular groups and activities, the Centre has various rooms to hire at affordable rates.
The Centre is fully accessible and has a multi use games area and limited parking.
With a choice of rooms including a main hall and kitchen, we have a lot to offer both local families wishing to hold private functions and businesses that need conference space. Well lit and airy, the Centre is fully wheelchair accessible and has a hearing loop installed along with a WiFi network which covers most rooms.
As the Centre is primarily manned by volunteers, in order to visit the Centre to view, pay deposits or return keys, or for general enquiries, opening times are 10:30 to 12 noon, Monday to Friday only.
For information on how to contact the Centre or enquire about a one-off room hire booking please use the appropriate heading at the top of this page.
For regular booking enquiries, please contact the Centre direct at
"M U G A"
Multi Use Games Area
Multi sensory room